City Prostate Cancer Screening

  • Date: Friday 11th October 2024
  • Location: Apothecaries Hall, 16 Black Friars Lane, Blackfriars, EC4V 6EJ
  • Reduced Rate: Only £35

Click the button below to book your appointment now!

Gentlemen, it’s time to take charge of your health:

This is an invaluable opportunity to access a crucial health service. The PSA blood test takes less than 5 minutes and could save your life. It is being offered at a convenient City location at a significantly reduced rate of only £35 per test.

Why is Prostate Cancer Screening Important To You?

There is currently no national screening program for prostate cancer in the UK.
● A simple change in communication about prostate cancer from GPs could save thousands of lives.
● Right now, men must ask their GP for a PSA blood test unless they exhibit symptoms of prostate cancer. This current practice is failing many men.
● Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men and the second most common cancer overall, just behind breast cancer in women.
● The statistics are alarming:
     ○ 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer.
     ○ Over 50,000 cases are diagnosed annually.
     ○ More than 12,000 men die from prostate cancer each year.
     ○ Approximately 500,000 men are currently living with or after prostate

● Prostate cancer often goes unnoticed in its early stages due to a lack of symptoms. Early detection significantly increases treatment success rates.
● It’s crucial for men to be aware of their risks and to consider getting a PSA blood test—even if they feel healthy.

What is a PSA Test?

The PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) blood test is designed to help detect prostate cancer. While it’s an important tool, it’s not perfect and won’t identify all cases of prostate cancer.
It is painless and takes less than 5 minutes to do with a trained nurse.
Research indicates that:
     ○ 3 in 4 men with a raised PSA level will not have cancer.
     ○ 1 in 7 men with prostate cancer may have a normal PSA result.

As with many cancers, early detection is vital for improving health outcomes, which is why any abnormal PSA results should be investigated.

Who Should Get Tested?

You should seriously consider screening especially if you fall within any of the groups below.
● Men aged between 40 and 69.
● Those with a family history of prostate cancer.
● Men of Black or Afro-Caribbean origin.

Why Should I Attend?

● Easy PSA Test: A simple painless blood test that could save your life.
● Quick: The test takes only 3 minutes.
● Timed slots: To keep your visit as brief and efficient as possible
● Affordable: Just £35 for a potentially life-saving test
● Convenient: Located in the City for easy access
● Tests are conducted by highly experienced leading independent lab.
● Your result will be delivered online so no need for further visits

Event Organiser

This event has been organised by liveryman Jat Wasu of the Wasu Charitable Foundation, and Freeman Simon Fordham with generous support of the Worshipful Company of Apothecaries and the Company of Entrepreneurs
For further information, please contact Jat Wasu –


Let’s Fight Prostate Cancer Together