Lord Mayor’s Show

A unique opportunity to take part in this historic show and support the 696th Lord Mayor Alderman Alastair King DL in his charity appeal.

Lord Mayor's Coach

Lord Mayor’s Carriage

Alderman and Sheriff | Alastair King DL | London

The Lord Mayor’s Show is the oldest, longest, best loved and least rehearsed civic procession in the world. The 2024 Show will set off from Mansion House on 9 November at 11am. You will need to arrive earlier and will be advised of this once we are informed nearer the date.

The Lord Mayor’s Show dates back to the early 13th century, when a desperate King John granted that the City of London the right to elect its own Mayor. He insisted that each newly-elected Mayor must come upriver to distant Westminster and swear loyalty to the Crown. The Mayors, and later the Lord Mayors of London have been making that journey for over 800 years. Around them grew up the noisy, colourful, joyous procession that over the centuries became known as the Lord Mayor’s Show.

Starting at Mansion House, it heads for the Royal Courts of Justice then returns to Mansion House. Most participants walk some 5+ miles if they are in the Parade.

This is an incredibly unique opportunity for you to:

  • PARTICIPATE as a part of the parade
  • Without having to walk
  • Seated throughout in a Red Open Top London Double Decker bus – you are not a spectator – you are a part of the historic parade.
  • Enjoy and truly feel the close up experience in an Open Top bus as the parade meanders past St Pauls and other landmarks. 


We will start in the morning with a refreshing glass of Prosecco/soft drink whilst waiting to board. 

You will have the opportunity to sit both upstairs and downstairs. As this is an old-fashioned bus, we regret the bus cannot accommodate wheelchairs or similar. Please note that as the bus is actually in a moving parade, we are not allowed to make any stops in this 35 minute journey to the Royal Courts of Justice.

There will then be a 90 minute break at the halfway point of Royal Courts of Justice. 

You will be provided with a complimentary  packed lunch comprising of a snack, sandwich and a soft drink.

We will then return to Mansion House via Embankment and Queen Victoria Street arriving around 3pm.

Dress: The Pageantmaster encourages you dress RIOTOUSLY! Fancy dress, fun, smart or formal are all great choices! 

All timings are determined by  the Pageantmaster nearer the event. We cannot guarantee any changes made due to operational considerations outside our control.

ALL PROCEEDS WILL BE DONATED TO THE LORD MAYORS CHARITY. A certificate will be presented to the Lord  Mayor with your name as a supporter of the 2024 Parade.

Seat Price £109 plus booking fee per person. There is a reduced early bird price of £99 plus booking fee for first 40 seats

This event is organised by Liveryman Jat Wasu, supported by Freeman Simon Fordham and Freeman Chris Simmance.

For further information, please message Jat Wasu, founder of The Wasu Charitable Foundation at jat.wasu@wasucf.org